Welcome To
My Dev Portfolio
Hi, Im Justin Rasler. A software engineer based in Atlanta, Ga.

My Pokedex
diplays basic stats for pokemon such as: health, height, weight, attack power, defense, pokemon type, and xp. It also has tidbits for each div table..
- Mongo
- Express
- Node

This is a card game where you can create, update, and delete your user cards and battle other members' cards.
- React
- Node
- JavaScript
I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. Both Front-end and Back-end.
Experiece with
Javascript, React.js and RubyBack-End
Experience with
Node.js, Express.js, Postgresql, MongoDBUI/UX
Experience with
frameworks like Bootstrap and MaterialUi
About Me
I am General Assembly Bootcamp graduate from Atlanta, Ga trying to break into the tech field. I have a passion for technology and learning. Looking for my next opportunity to grow.
Began coding journey with Codecademy and General Assembly.
Completed 420 hours of General Assemblys coding bootcamp